

American Baptists have always been described as people of mission. Our church knows that to be faithful to the Gospel we must rise to our call to missions. Our Board of Missions plans, organizes and administers all mission activities of our church, and publicizes these activities.

International Missions

Internationally, we support American Baptist Churches International Ministries:  Throughout the year, our Mission Board collects four special offerings. These offerings further the work of Christ and support our cooperative ministries as American Baptists. These offerings are America for Christ, One Great Hour of Sharing, World Mission Offering, and the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering. These four offerings assist in inviting others to new life in Christ, making disciples, meeting the needs of the many and saying “thank you” to those who have faithfully served the Lord as pastors and missionaries. For more information visit  http://www.internationalministries.org/

  • Nicaragua: Since 2001, we have traveled to Nicaragua for ten days most summers. In conjunction with our American Baptist missionaries, we provide help to rural villages throughout the country that lack health care. It is a concrete enactment of Matthew 25:31-46. AMOS Health and Hope is the ministry begun by the late Gustavo Parajon, and continued today by his son and daughter-in-law, David and Laura Parajon. In addition to funding health clinics and programs, we also donate medical supplies, tools, health kits, and baby layettes. In addition we have begun a relationship with the Getsemani Baptist Church in Managua, Nicaragua.
  • Operation Christmas Child
  • Compassion International

National Missions

Nationally we support the Baptist Home Mission Society. We also support the following ABC national missions, including colleges, seminaries and a retreat center:

Local Missions

Mission Trips

Our youth participate yearly in summer mission work in the USA. The purpose is to give our youth hands-on mission experiences in different locations and environments, as well as fellowship with other Christian young people and a sense of teamwork as they work to help those less fortunate than themselves.

The youth are given opportunities throughout the year to earn a portion or the entire cost of their trip. Scholarships are available to those who qualify.

We also have a Mission Scholarship Fund available that financially assists our members on mission trips in the USA and abroad.


THRIVE is a community of people who desire to practice hospitality by connecting newly arrived immigrants and refugees, via E-crowdsourcing, with neighbors in the Pittsburgh community. The idea is to help provide needed items as a gesture of welcome and a practical example of Christian love. Some of our recent activities have been to prepare and distribute THRIVE Welcome Bags (cinch sacks which are given to children arriving at Pgh International Airport), collect needed clothing and children’s items for newly arrived refugees, make monetary donations to help with rent or other unexpected expenses, and plan and implement Supper Clubs with proceeds benefitting an immigrant family. Please contact Pauline Spring to learn more about this worthwhile and rewarding ministry, thrive7801@gmail.com.