VBS is back at NHCBC! We invite kids from age 4 through rising 6th graders to journey with us to Mars and Beyond, learning how we can show God’s love to others by the things we say and do. NHCBC’s Mission Control will transport students into the vast universe to experience God in fun and engaging ways! Games, crafts, Bible lessons and science experiments will demonstrate how we can be a positive force in the lives of all we meet. The program is free and open to children 4 years through rising 6th
VBS 2022 takes place at North Hills Community Baptist Church from July 18 – 22 at 6 – 8 p.m.
Register here: https://tmab.cokesburyvbs.com/nhcbc
or by calling the church office at 412-366-2662, or you can pick up a paper form at the Welcome Desk in the Narthex.