Posts by NHCBC

Posts by NHCBC

Youth News

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10, NIV The vision NHCBC Catalyst youth leadership is casting is one where youth participating in our program are empowered to lead like Jesus. But what does this really mean and what could it look like for our NHCBC…

Catalyst Youth News

Soup For The Soul A Success! Thank you to all who supported our latest fundraiser and enjoyed some delicious soups and desserts from our fabulous youth family cooks and bakers! We raised a total of $715 and we are very humbled by our church family’s generosity. Our fundraising goal is $3100 so we are well on our way! We have 6 students and 3 chaperones heading to Altoona…