Blog (Page 2)

Blog (Page 2)

Catalyst Youth News

Soup For The Soul A Success! Thank you to all who supported our latest fundraiser and enjoyed some delicious soups and desserts from our fabulous youth family cooks and bakers! We raised a total of $715 and we are very humbled by our church family’s generosity. Our fundraising goal is $3100 so we are well on our way! We have 6 students and 3 chaperones heading to Altoona…

Easter at NHCBC 2024

Join us throughout Holy Week to prepare, remember and celebrate the source of our salvation: Christ’s death and resurrection. Holy Week Services: Palm SundaySunday, March 24, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. (in-person and online) Palm Sunday marks the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and the final days before Christ’s crucifixion and death. Service includes…

Community and Cheese Soup

Community and Cheese SoupBy Reverend Felicia Zamora When I first started working at AMOS HEALTH AND HOPE, one of the phrases I often said to short-term members was that community members are not going to remember how “hard you worked” on a project but how you took the time to build relationships with them. In a minister’s life, it is the same principle…
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