Soup For The Soul A Success! Thank you to all who supported our latest fundraiser and enjoyed some delicious soups and desserts from our fabulous youth family cooks and bakers! We raised a total of $715 and we are very humbled by our church family’s generosity. Our fundraising goal is $3100 so we are well on our way! We have 6 students and 3 chaperones heading to Altoona in June with the TEAMeffort Inc. organization and currently 2 students and 1 chaperone joining the Service Adventure Camp at Crestfield Camp in July, all who are looking forward to assisting homeowners and non-profit organizations.

Student Silent Auction – Need some help around the home or yard this spring? Now’s your chance to rent a student! Beginning in the middle of April, student names will be posted at the back of the Cafe and the silent bidding can begin for a hardworking youth to donate their time to help you with that project you have been putting off. Or maybe you and your spouse need a sitter so you can enjoy an evening out! The winning bids will be announced at our Smells of Summer BBQ Cook-off the evening of April 28th.
Smells of Summer BBQ Cook-off – Sunday, April 28th, 6-8 pm in Fellowship Hall. It’s time to pull out the recipe book and wow the crowd with your skills in one of 3 categories: main BBQ dish, vegetarian BBQ side dish, or delicious desserts! A winner will be named for each category as you enjoy (and judge!) wonderful food and we will close the night with a trivia event. For those planning to enter a dish the cost is $10, all others we will accept free will donations to support youth summer missions
Annual Mother’s Day Car Wash & Plant Sale – Saturday, May 11, 10 am – 12 pm in the upper parking lot. Celebrate Mom with beautiful hanging baskets and a sparkling clean car!
Dine & Donate with Primanti Bros. – Wednesday June 12, 11 am – 11 pm. Invite friends and family to drop in for lunch or dinner at the McIntyre Square location and 25% of the proceeds will come back to our NHCBC youth!
Snowy Skating! Our NHCBC family hosted a private skating event on Sunday, March 10
from 6:30-8:30 pm and the good Lord provided us with the perfect winter’s night! We had a blast skating in the snow and at the end there was enough snow to culminate in snowball
fights! It was a great evening for the youngsters and the young at heart, a definite event we will repeat next winter! Check out our NHCBC Facebook page for more photos and videos from the evening.

Youth Studies – During the Lenten season we have explored the book of Ephesians to take a closer look at what God accomplished through the ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ and how, as Christians, we are called to behave and interact with the world. We have honed in on the concept of unity and how we can play a part in uniting believers and unbelievers. We will take a further look at this concept and how we as individuals can be positive catalysts in the world around us by going to see the movie Cabrini and discussing Francesca Cabrini’s faith and impact during the month of April. As an extension to learning about Francesca Cabrini, Catalyst youth will partner with the mission board to pack and deliver lunches for the homeless in downtown Pittsburgh.