Easter Memories
By: Jim Binz
The end of March typically signifies a time of rebirth and renewal. The Easter season is a living illustration of the miracle that He lives! First, we hear the birds return, then the bright yellow daffodils spring up and soon a whole chorus of life starts showing up and doing its dance. It’s spectacular every year.
When you see this wonder happen right in front of you, you can’t help but thank God for creation and for the Resurrection. Think about the miracle of new life that impacts you the most this week.
Here are some of our congregation’s favorite Easter memories.
NHCBC has been such a special place to raise our family as we grow together in our faith! (Picture below of Easter Egg Hunt 2001, twenty-two years ago) – Lori and Eric Tissue

Grits at Easter Breakfast. We had this tradition for many years. We dyed the grits pink and purple. Added butter, cheese and syrup as desired. I’m always thankful to celebrate our risen Lord beginning with food and fellowship with beloved church family. He is Risen Indeed!!! – Cheri Barnes
Easter breakfast is always my favorite! – Cole Buschmeyer
My favorite Easter eating breakfast with my friends – Hannah Brooks