In line with the Center for Disease Control recommendations and guidance from Allegheny County officials during the COVID-19 situation, North Hills Community Baptist Church leadership has made the decision to cancel in-person worship service, Sunday School, small groups, Youth Group and Faithbuilders, and other activities at this time.

So as we settle into new routines of social distancing, the Board of Christian Education has been looking into ways to stay connected and to continue to provide resources for spiritual development for all ages.
Check out our Sunday School page for updated information and resources for children, youth and adult Christian Education.
We encourage you to take time to pray, study, reflect, and connect in a way that works for you and your family. As we go forward, we will be looking for other ways to meet and connect virtually.
In the meantime, know that even in these unusual circumstances, we are deeply loved by the God who created and sustains us.
With love and prayers,
Brianne Claus
On Behalf of the Board of Christian Education