Virtual Sunday School

Virtual Sunday School

This fall, we are planning a virtual Sunday School for all ages starting Sunday, September 20.

Children’s Sunday School
All children are invited to a virtual class beginning at 9:00 A.M.  A Sunday School teacher will say hello and discuss our Bible story.  Parents can work with their children to complete their lesson.  We will be done by 10:00 A.M. so the family can enjoy our online worship service.  For safety and security, a private link will be sent out to families to participate. If you’d like the link, contact

Youth Sunday School
Christine O’Neil is planning Youth Sunday School as part of our youth programming on Sunday evenings.  She is contacting families of those in grades 6-12.  Contact Christine for more information

Adult Christian Education Opportunities
Our adult classes will be held virtually throughout the week in the evenings. 

Women’s Class:  Lynn Berney, Joyce Katich and Pauline Spring will facilitate this study beginning with a Priscilla Shirer book “Life Interrupted: Navigating the Unexpected.”  All women are welcome to join for this study.

Social Justice Group:  This group will be facilitated by Brianne Claus and others TBD. If you find yourself longing to learn more about what the Bible says about racism, equality, love and sexuality, immigrants and refugees, the environment, nationalism and politics–and how we as Christians are called and equipped to fight for justice in these areas, please join us.  These are not issues for those of a particular party or ideology, but these are issues we are called to engage as followers of Jesus Christ.  We will study, we will learn, and we will work together for change.  To sign up, contact Brianne Claus  and/or fill out this sign up form:

Tuesday Morning Bible Study:  This study begins September 15 at 10:00 A.M. meeting virtually, and studying Mountaintop Moments.  Contact Linda Wagner to sign up or 412-486-6544

Open Gym:  This new weekly fellowship offering is for adults to hop on, connect and chat, and share prayer requests.  A time for the fellowship that we are all missing with our church family.  Facilitator needed–please contact Brianne Claus ( if you are able to host this virtual group.