On a Hill Far Away #2 “The Cross is a Mirror”
Imagine what the world would be like if we didn’t have mirrors. If we could never see ourselves as others see us. When we look at the cross, it functions to us as a mirror would. It reminds us what we look like–we are broken and needy…sinful, if you will. We need…
On Hill Far Away #1 “The Cross is not Comfortable”
The apostle Paul says, “The message of the cross is foolishness…” Maybe that’s why many of the megachurches don’t have a cross in their worship spaces. It’s uncomfortable. Doesn’t make sense. Paul even calls the cross ‘a…
The Power of Prayer
Author Leonard Sweet writes, “I have come to the place in my spiritual journey where I now see prayer as a physical force that affects our universe in seen and unseen ways. There is no more powerful energy than prayer.” When we say “Well, I guess the only thing I can do for you is pray for you”, we are are engaging in the most important thing we…
Mending the Cracks
The writer of the book of Hebrews is a pastor. This pastor is preaching to a tired church, to a church that is beginning to show some cracks. Thank God that there are pastors and Christians who are there to say “Hold on!” “Don’t give up!” or “stay the course”. To follow Christ for a lifetime requires such encouragement.
“Knowing God, Showing God”
Knowing the right things and saying the right things are no replacement for doing the right things. As one wise old Christian once told me, “It’s not how often you’ve been through the Bible that’s important–it’s how often the Bible has been through you.”